Embird Machine Embroidery Software
New Embird License (Basic Program)
Registration fee covers one license of basic Embird program. However, it
does not cover registration of Embird plug-ins. Payment should be
performed on-line with credit or debit card or with PayPal. We will e-mail
you your registration password within one working day after approval of
your payment. Registration password will turn your demo into
fully-functioning version without further limitation. If you prefer
other way of payment please e-mail to:
How many passwords (licenses) do I need?
Plug-in modules
Plug-ins are extra features
which may or may not be added after registration of basic Embird program.
Therefore, price of plug-ins is not included in the basic Embird
registration fee. Plug-ins must be paid and registered separately from the
main Embird program. The use of unregistered plug-in is
The cost of Digitizing Tools module is $150 USD
The cost of Sfumato Stitch module is $90 USD
The cost of Cross Stitch module is $75 USD
The cost of Font Engine module is $145 USD
The cost of Alphabets is $15 USD for each alphabet
The cost of Iconizer module is $20 USD
Plug-in modules are discounted if bought in a bundle with Embird Basic or with an upgrade.
There are also discounted alphabet bundles available in our e-shop.
All above mentiond prices are without VAT (Value Added Tax), which is charged to purchases from European Union countries.
You can use a single Embird license (password) on two computers, typically a desktop and laptop, as long as they both belong
to you and Embird on these computers is not used by other person.
Password for 64-bit Embird is the same as password for 32-bit Embird. If one of your computers is 32-bit and the second
is 64-bit, install appropriate version of Embird on respective computer and use the same password for both.
Embird is modular software for computerized machine embroidery digitizing, quilting and customization
Developed by BALARAD, s.r.o. company since 1997
We accept following payment options: credit and debit cards, PayPal, Google Pay. All transactions for purchase of Embird products are made through safe payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe that use SSL encryption.
Your details are not stored during this process.
e - m a i l : e m b i r d @ e m b i r d . n e t
p h o n e : + 4 2 1 9 1 1 3 7 3 3 5 6