1 - Run Embird.
2 - In the "Files:" box at the right side of the screen select the design which you want to display. To select the design, please move mouse pointer to its file name and click the left mouse button.
3 - Click the "View File" button to display the design (Picture No. 1). It is also possible to display the design by double-clicking on its file name in the "Files:" box.
1. View selected design
4 - Click the "View Color Layers" button if you want to see the color layers of the design (Picture No. 2).
2. View color layers of selected design
5 - The color layers of the design will be displayed on the middle panel of Manager window. Move mouse pointer to some color layer if you want to find out more details about it. After a while, a yellow hint will popup on the screen, showing the color layer properties (Picture No.3).
3. Color layer properties
6 - Click the "View Thread List" button to see the list of threads used by the design (Picture No. 4).
4. View thread list of selected design
7 - The "Thread List" window will appear on the screen, showing the list of threads used by design. You can see the design color, the closest thread color, thread consumption, color name and the catalog number of the thread (Picture No. 5). The "Catalog:" box at the bottom of the window allows you to choose your thread chart. Double-click the left mouse button on the cell in "Mark" column to mark the corresponding thread. This way you can mark those designs which you actually have in stock. Then, if you turn ON the "Marked Only" switch (located at the bottom of the window in Picture No. 5), only the threads with "Mark" attribute will be taken into consideration when assembling the thread list. Click "OK" button to close the thread list window.
5. Thread list
8 - Click "View Thumbnails" button to display the thumbnails of multiple selected designs (Picture No. 6). To select multiple designs, please move mouse pointer to the file name of the first design in the "Files:" box at the right side of the screen, depress the left mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse pointer over the file names of the other designs. When the mouse pointer is over the last design, please release the left mouse button.
6. View Thumbnails of selected designs
9 - Change the view mode e.g. to 3D, scale 1:1 using tabs shown at the bottom side of middle panel (Picture No. 7).
7. Change view mode
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