The files stored in ZIP and RAR archives can be extracted temporarily (for viewing or printing purposes) or permanently. Both ways are explained in this tutorial.
1 - Run Embird, it will start in "Manager" mode.
2 - Use "Drive", "Folder" and "Files" boxes (located on the Right Panel at the right side of the screen) to browse to the folder containing ZIP or RAR archive.
If you want to temporarily extract files stored in ZIP or RAR archive, please follow these steps:
3 - Double-click left mouse button on archive filename in "Files:" box to browse to the designs stored in this archive (Picture No. 1).
1. Double-click Zip archive filename
4 - The contents of the archive will be temporarily unzipped to the "Temp_Zip_Embird" folder created in the temporary folder for currently logged on user, and this folder becomes focused automatically in "Files:" box. Now you can display or print the designs stored in the archive (Picture No. 2). However, please note that the files stored here are temporary and they will be deleted once you open another archive, or close Embird. See steps 6 ~ 8 below to find out how to extract files permanently.
Note: The "Temp_Zip_Embird" folder is automatically created and managed by Embird. You should never place any files into this folder, because it is used for ZIP and RAR archives exclusively.
5 - If you want to close the archive and return back to the initial folder, click "Up One Level" button placed above "Folder:" box (Picture No. 2).
2. Temporarily extracted files
If you want to permanently extract files stored in ZIP or RAR archive, please follow these steps:
6 - Select the archive in "Files:" box at right panel, so that it is highlighted in blue color. You can select multiple files (e.g. by depressing SHIFT or CTRL key when you are clicking archive filename).
7 - Click "Right Panel" menu and choose "Extract Zipped Files to" command (Picture No. 3).
3. Extract Zip archive permanently
8 - Choose destination folder in the dialog box that appears on the screen. If this folder doesn't exist yet, it will be created. All files stored in selected archives will be unzipped to the chosen folder (Picture No. 4).
4. Specfiy extracted files location
9 - The contents of the archive will be permanently unzipped to the specified folder (Picture No. 5).
5. Permanently extracted files
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