The following tutorial explains how to use the "View Tree" feature in Embird.
1 - Run Embird, it will start in "Manager" mode.
2 - In the "Folder:" box at the right side of the screen choose the folder which contents will be displayed in the tree (Picture No.1).Embird will scan this folder and all its subfolders for files, taking also the "Filter:" setting into consideration.
3 - Click "Right Panel > View Tree" menu to switch ON the displaying of the tree on the middle panel (Picture No. 1).
1. Select "Right Panel > View Tree" menu
4 - Embird will scan the folder and after a while the tree appears on the screen (Picture No. 2). The advantage of displaying files in the tree is that you can see the contents of folder and all its sub-folders at once. In case you are a registered user of Iconizer plug-in, and the "Right Panel > Preview Files" option is ON, the design icons will appear also in the tree, as shown in Picture No. 2 below. The "Print", "Export" and "Save as Text" buttons located below the tree allows you to print the tree, or export it to .BMP, .JPG or .TXT file.
2. Tree view of selected folder and its sub-folders
5 - You can click the left mouse button on the filename in the tree to focus it at the right panel (Picture No. 3).
3. Left click tree item to focus the file
6 - You can click the right mouse button on the filename in the tree to display the popup menu with commands (Picture No. 4).
4. Right click tree item for popup menu
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Developed by BALARAD, s.r.o. company since 1997