This command will automatically split selected objects into parts, while taking into account the maximum prescribed size, maximum prescribed color count or maximum prescribed stitch count.
Note: Other ways of splitting are explained in the following tutorials:
Auto-Split Along Hoop Boundaries, Interactive Free-Hand Splitting, Split Before/After Color, Separate Color, Using Initial and Ending Stitch Boxes and Saving and Sewing of Split Designs.
1 - Run Embird and click "Editor" menu to switch to Editor window.
2 - Open the design you want to auto-split by selecting "File > Open" menu (Picture No. 1).
1. Open the design
3 - Click "Edit > Split/Join > Auto-Split" menu to split the selected objects (lettering "EMBIRD" in this example). A dialog box will appear on the screen, allowing you to specify the maximum size of each part - for example, 100 x 100 mm to fit the standard hoop. Select "OK" in this dialog box to continue with splitting (Picture No. 2).
2. Choose way of splitting
4 - If you agree, special alignment stitches are added to design parts, allowing to align parts during sewing process (Picture No. 3).
3. Add alignment stitches
5 - After a while, Embird will finish automatic splitting of the design. When you look at the "Object Order Bar" at the right side of the screen, you will see there that the lettering "EMBIRD" was automatically split into 3 parts: "EM", "BI" and "RD" (Picture No. 4).
4. Design split to individual parts
6 - In this example, we have moved each part to show you how the original design was split (Picture No. 5).
5. Parts moved apart
7 - Finally, save each object to a separate file on your hard disk. Use "File > Save Separated As" command (see also Tutorial Splitting - Saving and Sewing of Split Designs). Specify the format and the file name of the new design in the dialog boxes which appear on the screen.
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Developed by BALARAD, s.r.o. company since 1997