Use animated images if you want to prepare advertisement for the web site presenting your designs, or use it as another form of documentation if you are sending desings to your customers in e-mail.
1 - Run Embird, it willstart in "Manager" mode.
2 - In the "Files:" box at the right side of the screen select the design. To select a design, please move the mouse pointer to its file name and click the left mouse button (Picture No. 1).
1. Select design
3 - Click "Right Panel > Export > Export Animated Image" menu to create the animated .GIF file of the selected design (Picture No. 2).
2. Click "Right Panel > Export > Export Animated Image" menu
4 - Another dialog box will appear on the screen, allowing you to specify the properties of the animated image: its width and height, the delay between images, the delay after finished design and the stitch rate (cadence) of image generation (Picture No. 3). Click "OK" button to continue.
3. Animated image properties
5 - The animated image will be created after a short while, and another dialog box will appear on the screen. Choose the destination folder and filename for the image and then click "OK" button to save it (Picture No. 4).
4. Save animated image
6 - Now you can insert the image to your web site project, or send it in e-mail. Wait 3 seconds for animation - the delay specified in step 4.
5. Animated image of embroidery design
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Developed by BALARAD, s.r.o. company since 1997