Sew Simulator in Studio helps to analyze the stitches order of design. Stitch simulation is animation of stitching process. Use it to analyze small and hardly visible stitches like tie-up stitches, for example. Sew Simulator is often used to find unnecessary trims between objects.
Sew Simulator in Studio can be accessed via tab 'Sim' at bottom part of the Studio screen. If no objects are selected, sewing of whole design is simulated. If some objects are selected, only sewing of these objects is simulated.
Meaning of controls is as follows:
Please note that controls 3 and 4 allow to set negative speed, which means that stitches gradually disappear. Moving the slider 4 up and down allows to run simulation forward and backward. This control is intended for close look up on how certain parts of design are sewn.
Buttons 6~11 define conditions to pause simulation. If button is depressed, respective condition is active. For example, if you want to pause simulation whenever it runs to color change or connection object, depress button 8 and 10. Condition 9 is useful when checking the double-layered outlines. Condition 7 is useful for Applique and Sfumato objects. When simulation stops on pause, you can run it by clicking on button 5.
Some Studio controls like zoom, scroll bars and pan tool can be used during simulation to focus area of interest.
Color bar at top of the screen helps to 'rewind' simulation forward and backward. Colored rectangles depict respective stitches color and small black ticks mark end of respective objects. Place cursor on the color bar, depress left mouse button and move the slider to the left (backward) or to the right (forward) to rewind the simulation. Watch design in the work area to see effect of rewinding. Release mouse button to let simulation run further.